To help out with the cost-of-living crisis another money saving tip from me, is to make your own Garlic infused Cold Pressed Rapeseed oil This is so cheap to make compared with the shop bought versions On the video I did say that the oil was under £2, however like most things right now, that price has increased & the cold pressed Rapeseed oil that I usually buy is now £2.49 from Lidl I buy the garlic there also which works out at 39p per bulb My recipe will cost you around £2.88 per 500ml bottle meaning you can save yourself some serious money! With some of the specialised pigeon garlic infused oils retailing for nearly £10 for only 250ml 🤬(half the amount!) So have a go & make your own! Let me know how you get on Plus as breeding time is upon us & I had a question from a viewer (thank you) about dealing with a wet nest so make sure to watch to the end of the video to find out my top tip for drying the nest up 🐣