B15-6208792 Plastron

B15-6208792 Plastron
Half Sister to “Miracle” Dirk Van Den Bulck
7th National Acebird Speed Young Bird KBDB 2017

Sire B14-6060013 Father Miracle
Son of No.1 Breeder Brother Goede Rode x Dikke Duivin Van Reeth

Dam B14-6091788 Sister Kittel

Kittel 1st National Asduif KBDB 2013


B15-6208792 Plastron
Half Sister to “Miracle” Dirk Van Den Bulck
7th National Acebird Speed Young Bird KBDB 2017

BE17-308 ‘The Miracle’, winner of :
7. Nat. Ace Pigeon SD Youngsters KBDB 2017
2. Prov.Ace Pigeon SD Youngsters KBDB 2017
1. Ace Pigeon Tienverbond
1. Quievrain – 1.313 b.
1. Quievrain – 927 b.
1. Quievrain – 767 b.
Son of BE08-992 ‘Brother Goede Rode’ and ‘Halfsister Pitbull’

Sire B14-6060013 Father Miracle
Son of No.1 Breeder Brother Goede Rode x Dikke Duivin Van Reeth

Descendants of ‘Brother Goede Rode
1. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2020
1. Nat. Acebird KBDB M.D. 2018
1. Nat. Acebird KBDB M.D. 2015
1. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2013
1. Olympic Acebird Nitra 2013 cat. F.
2. Nat. Acebird KBDB M.D. 2013
2. Pre-Olympic Acebird Brno 2014
3. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2018
4. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2012
6. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2018
6. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2013
7. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2017
7. Olympiad bird 2016 cat. F.
7. Nat. Acebird KBDB M.D. 2015
9. Nat. Acebird KBDB M.D. 2015
12. Nat. Acebird KBDB Sprint 2013
12. Olympiad bird 2019 Cat. F.
14. Nat. Acebird KBDB M.D. 2015

Dam B14-6091788 Sister Kittel

Kittel 1st National Asduif KBDB 2013
Lowest coeff. (0.95%) ever in Belgium history
speed ace pigeon history
Fastest Quievrain +25,000 b.
Fastest Quievrain +17,000 b.
also 2.-3.-4.-9. avg. +2,000 b.
20x 1.prize breeder
100% Dirk Van Den Bulck