Axel & Dark Horse The New Breeding Couple Parents to BINKY

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Axel & Dark Horse The New Breeding Couple Parents to BINKY

Axel Grizzle Cock Sire to BINKY

Sire of

1st Federation 1333 birds

1st Federation 1192 birds

1st Club 299 birds

1st Club 205 birds

1st Club 126 birds

2nd Federation 1546 birds

6th Combine 2650 birds

6th Combine 1909 birds


Dam Dark Horse dark Chequer Hen Dam to BINKY

Dam of

1st Federation 1333 birds

1st Federation 1192 birds

1st Club 299 birds

1st Club 205 birds

1st Club 126 birds

2nd Federation 1546 birds

6th Combine 2650 birds

6th Combine 1909 birds

1st Club 2nd West Che Federation

2nd North Wirral & West Cheshire Amal Guernsey

Grandmother to

1st Amal 1183 birds

1st Club 104 birds

1st Federation 700 birds

1st Club 142 birds

1st Federation 400 birds

2nd Federation BBLM 1449 birds

2nd Federation 1593 birds

13th Federation 1984 birds

4th Club 196 birds



The outstanding Young Bird racer of 2022

The performance of BINKY as a young bird racer was so good that his co-efficient was better than the bird that won

1st Ace Titan Games YB 2022 

It was only an administration error that prevented his performances from being considered for the award.

1st Club 299 birds

1st Club 205 birds

1st Club 126 birds

1st Federation 1333 birds

1st Federation 1192 birds

2nd Federation 1546 birds

6th Combine 2650 birds

6th Combine 1909 birds